鲍亚群眼科博士是特殊隐形眼镜专家,尤其是使用Ortho-K 镜片,可在您睡觉时矫正您的视力!作为全球 155 名 FIAOMC 医生之一,鲍博士认真致力于近视控制和角膜塑形术的实践。她在该领域接受了数百小时的高级培训,并成功运用各种技术成功治疗了近视。虽然她擅长治疗所有病例,但她以设计和解决复杂且具有挑战性的病例(高度近视或散光、异常形状的角膜、失控的近视等)的能力而著称。FIAOMC 是代表知识、道德和患者护理最高水平的黄金标准。
休斯敦——Justin 和 Aileen Liang 兄妹是跳绳运动员的世界冠军,他们说他们无法戴着眼镜参加比赛。
他们也不喜欢在有隐形眼镜的情况下跳跃,尽管他们的视力很差,他们跳跃时根本没有正常视力。 但由于特殊的睡眠隐形眼镜 (Ortho-k ),“它们可以让我四处走动,尤其是在我做运动的时候。我不用担心眼睛会进灰尘,或者如果我在游泳,我可以自由地游泳,”贾斯汀梁说。
大约四年来,贾斯汀一直戴着隐形眼镜 (Ortho-k )睡眠。Aileen Liang 使用它们才几个月。他们白天都不需要戴任何眼镜。“之前我也戴了一点隐形眼镜,它们有点不舒服,而且它们在一天结束之前就开始变干了,”Aileen Liang 说。
资料来源: click2houston.com
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II What Patients Say About Eagle Eye Center and Dr. Yachin Bao
At Eagle Eye Center, patients consistently praise Dr. Yachin Bao for her comprehensive care and effective treatments. Highlights from Google reviews include:
Long-Term Satisfaction -- “I’ve been going to Dr. Bao for almost 15 years, and she has really helped my vision to stay stable”: Patients have been visiting Dr. Bao for over a decade, citing her ability to stabilize vision using Ortho-K lenses and her accommodating approach to fitting their lifestyle and specific eye care needs.
Comprehensive Exams -- “If you need a thorough eye exam and a compassionate eye doctor, Dr. Bao is hands-down the Best.”: Reviewers praise Dr. Bao for thorough exams and her dedication to educating them on various aspects of eye care. Her expertise in prescribing glasses and handling complex cases, such as post-Lasik complications, is highly valued.
Patient Care and Professionalism -- “Doctor Yachin Bao has been there all ten years to help me restore my vision alongside her amazing staff”: Dr. Bao is described as patient, transparent, and highly knowledgeable. Many patients appreciate her and her team's professionalism and the detailed care plans provided.
Family Friendly -- “Me and my family have been with Dr. Bao for the past 12 years. She did a great job examining our eyes and provides us accurate readings for our prescription glasses” : Multiple reviews mention that entire families trust their eye care to Dr. Bao, with plans to continue doing so. The friendly and professional demeanor of the entire staff is also noted.
Effective Treatments and Technologies -- “Dr Bao made it work and my vision hasn't changed at all since” : Patients report significant improvements in their conditions through treatments such as Ortho-K lenses and IPL therapy for dry eyes. Dr. Bao’s approach to using advanced technology and treatments has been effective and well-received.
Supportive Environment -- “The staff was incredibly friendly and knowledgeable, making me feel at ease throughout my visit.” : The staff at Eagle Eye Center is consistently described as kind, attentive, and accommodating. Patients feel supported not just by the treatments provided but also by the empathetic environment.
Faith and Empathy: One patient highlighted the impact of Dr. Bao's faith in enhancing the care experience, providing not only medical support but also emotional and spiritual encouragement through challenging treatments.
Explore more about Eagle Eye Center by reading our Google reviews. Learn why Dr. Bao is renowned for her commitment to eye health and patient care by clicking here
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SugarLand,TX 77478
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